Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Emily getting her "princess makeover" at the "Bippity Boppity Botique". I don't think she cracked a smile the whole time!! You would had thought she was at a dentist appointment!!

The Meyer's in the Swiss Family Robinson tree. As I was walking down I heard Vince say to some little old woman with crazy red hair, "Oh I'm sorry.....I thought you were my son!" I was thinking, "Oh no, I wonder what he did to that poor old woman". Evidentially he was playfully kneeing her in the back! Never a dull moment with the "Gerber-Meyers!!

The kids with an Albino python at Gator Land!

Vince got called up on stage to hold the python. Then they asked if they could use his picture on the web site. Just goes to show it is never too late to start up a modeling career! In this case a non-paying modeling career! They should had at least thrown in a free photo!!

Cody actually got his picture taken with a real gator! I will try to post that photo in the near future!


happyjo said...

WOW! it looks like you guys are having a blast! These pictures really made me smile!
from Jo

The Wohlford Family said...

Looks like you all are having a blast even if Vince is picking on little old ladies:) I can't stop laughing you two are a perfect match!
Have some fun and get some sun for me please!


Anonymous said...

So happy to see you all having so much fun together! Soak it all up!

Love ya,

Alissa said...

I love your pictures and your updates, they always make me laugh. Enjoy the rest of your trip!