Friday, May 16, 2008

Playing Catch Up!!!!

Long time no BLOG!!! Not much has happened since my last blog.......6 months ago. Some of the highlights are: Vince is back home... which is a good thing.......most of the time. I was on antibiotics 5 times with a staph infection that ended up not being staph and was psoriasis instead. (I doubt any one will be lining up for my poor damaged liver after all those antibiotics!!!) Following a couple of 600 dollar heating bills, we moved into a new house at -70..... I wish I was kidding! (Thanks to Paul and Eric for driving here at -70 to help us move!!!) Cody got second place in the school spelling bee (1st -8th grade). He got to participate in the BIG spelling bee in fbks!! And my sister Dawn had a baby boy last month, his name is Gabe. Oh and ah...... forget that freshmen 15 I put on in college. I gained my "Tok 20" since I've lived here. So that was a glimpse into my life over the past 6 months. Needless to say, no one is calling up to sign the Gerber/Meyer family up for a reality TV show! If only I had married a washed up rock star or was born a little person!!! Maybe after living in Tok a few more years I might be able to qualify for "the biggest loser"!!


Alissa said...

I love the plants! Your garden is going to be great this year. Can't wait to see the results. :)

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy the blog Carrie!
