Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Home sweet Home!!!

By popular demand....(okay, by the request of two people....) I have decided to post pictures of the inside of my beautiful house! Most of you will probably choose to pass on looking at pictures of my rental ....... but for those of you who, like me have lived in crappy rentals for all of your adult lives, there is hope out there! We may not get to live here long but I will enjoy every moment of living in a house with white walls, a yard and no neighbors!!!!

This is my living room. Look how good my 15 year old furniture looks in it!

This here is a little built in desk hidden away in a little nook in the living room. There are built in shelves that you can not see in the picture...... I purposely left that out because they are filled with junk....... but cool none the less!

This is my dinning room.... in case you couldn't tell!

And of course....this is where the magic happens! (If you consider getting kicked in the face by two little rugrats all night long magic.........)

This is one of our three bathrooms!!!!

This is Emmy's room..... no it is not your imagination, her room is bare!

I didn't think it was possible but even the kids' play room looks bare!

This is a section of Cody's enormous room that he never sleeps in.

Last but not least is the down stairs bathroom with the huge tub!

Hope you enjoyed seeing our new house! Now get out of here!!!!!


Alissa said...

Your house is beautiful!
Thanks for posting the pictures, now I can stop bugging you!
Talk to you tonight.

Tessa said...

Actually you have 4 lookers. I looked at the blog the last time but didn't post a comment. I am so excited for you guys. What an awesome house. I know you are going to love Bush Alaska. You are always suprised when you get back to the "real" world and really miss the smallness/friendly family and life you have while remote. We miss you!

Anonymous said...

And I am another looker too! I just love your house. And I am sorry you dont get "heroes" I have been keeping up with it! Miss ya!