Monday, October 6, 2008

Cody's big 10!!

So Cody turned 10 on Saturday. We had a little family party for him. This year we are having a Halloween/ Birthday party for Cody! I tried to just skip the Halloween party this year and my family wouldn't have it!

Vince made and decorated the cake.... I was pretty impressed!

He's such a big boy!


Alissa said...

I'm so glad you updated your blog, you guys all look great, the kids are getting so big. I can't believe it has been a year since we have seen you guys!
PS Your picture is not weird, leave it on, it's a good pic :)

Alissa said...

ok, I forgot the almost when I said it had been a year, it feels that long!

Greears said...

Thank you for updating! It was great talking to you the other night.

TK Posh said...

I can't believe how big the kids are getting especially Emily...she looks so grown up!

MountaineerMom said...

Hi guys! You will have to send me your birthdays because Aaron doesn't really remember anyone in his family, smirk;)