Friday, November 21, 2008

Feeding the Giraffes

So we have been home for a little over a week now and I am all ready thinking about where we can go on our next vacation! Words can not describe how much fun we had. One of the first things we did was go to Busch Gardens. I think out of all the Florida theme parks we have been to Busch gardens was my favorite! We paid a little extra while we were there and got to feed the Giraffes! It was very cool!

He wasn't really eating my hand..... although the look and my face might make you assume otherwise!

It took Emily and Cody a little bit to warm up to these hungry, gentle giants....... but now Cody says it was his favorite part of the whole trip!


The Wohlford Family said...

That picture with you and the giraffe cracks me up! Abby loves the picture with Shrek.

Alissa said...

I agree with your sister, that picture is hilarious! Giraffes are my favorite animal, this alone would be worth a trip to FL. Thanks for putting pictures on, I wish you were closer so I could see your whole slideshow like last time.