Friday, May 16, 2008

My Garden!!

So I know it is a little weird to be attached to plants....... but I grew these from little tiny seeds!!!! Anyways..... it will be nice when I can move all these outside!

This is a picture of my pumpkins!! One of my pumpkin plants is about 3 feet tall!! It is going to produce a 500 Ib pumpkin this summer!! Oh, and in case you were wondering...yes this is my dinning room table! I had no idea that plants here can't be moved out until June!!

This is Emily's room..... complete with her own corn field and herb garden!!

Eat your heart out Micheal Night!!!! (aka "Night Rider")

So Vince came home with a new car the other day..... to bad he doesn't get to keep it!! He was chosen to try out this Charger for the troopers.
It looked pretty out of place next to the two Jalopies in our drive way!!! Actually it looked pretty out of place anywhere in Tok!!

Playing Catch Up!!!!

Long time no BLOG!!! Not much has happened since my last blog.......6 months ago. Some of the highlights are: Vince is back home... which is a good thing.......most of the time. I was on antibiotics 5 times with a staph infection that ended up not being staph and was psoriasis instead. (I doubt any one will be lining up for my poor damaged liver after all those antibiotics!!!) Following a couple of 600 dollar heating bills, we moved into a new house at -70..... I wish I was kidding! (Thanks to Paul and Eric for driving here at -70 to help us move!!!) Cody got second place in the school spelling bee (1st -8th grade). He got to participate in the BIG spelling bee in fbks!! And my sister Dawn had a baby boy last month, his name is Gabe. Oh and ah...... forget that freshmen 15 I put on in college. I gained my "Tok 20" since I've lived here. So that was a glimpse into my life over the past 6 months. Needless to say, no one is calling up to sign the Gerber/Meyer family up for a reality TV show! If only I had married a washed up rock star or was born a little person!!! Maybe after living in Tok a few more years I might be able to qualify for "the biggest loser"!!