The big day was approaching and I was a little bit skeptical that any one was going to show up at all! Poor little Cody in a new town.... having a birthday party with no guest! Sierra and Zac were suppose to be coming as well as Aunt Nicole, uncle Mike, Grandma Meyer and Grandpa Meyer. But because the Troopers did not send Vincent home like planned we decided to go to fbks. Long story short the family decided to opt out of the long drive knowing that we would be coming the very next day. So Cody and I moved forward with our party plans. I told him that even if no one else showed ...... we would go forward with the party! Just Cody, Emily, and I.

To our surprise and delight 15min early one of his friends showed up! A few minutes later the second one dropped in! He was so excited and didn't seem to mind that only 2 of his friends were here! The kids played a game that I had planned for them, did a treasure hunt and then disappeared down stairs to play in Cody's room. I kept on offering cake to them but they were not interested....... they were happy playing! Finally my appetite for that cake grew too large and I made them come upstairs for cake!

It ended up being a really good day! At least so far! Cody was happy the kids left happy....... everything was perfect.... so far........ After the party I loaded up the truck and the kids an I headed to fbks. About an hour out of Tok the truck started smoking and blowing out could air, I smelt the syrupy sweet smell of antifreeze and all I could think was, "Oh Shit!" I pulled into "Dot Lake" it's a small village between Tok and Delta. I couldn't see any businesses..... only little houses. I thought about the movie "wrong turn" and decided not to knock on any doors. Instead I got back on the highway and drove up the road a little further. There was a post office, I didn't figure it would be open at 5:00 on a Saturday......on top of that there were signs that said this is a residence all over the building. I tired to use my credit card to use the pay phone.... the operator quickly rambled off a different number that I needed to call to use a credit card. It was about 20 degrees outside and windy and my fingers were turning into pop cycles. Suddenly I noticed a man outside starting up his grill. I asked him if I could trouble him for water for his radiator. He said of course and came out to take a look under the hood. He said my radiator was bone dry. He filled it with radiator fluid and gave me too jugs of water. He then told me to call someone in Tok and tell them if I am not back in an hour...... I started to cry and said, "I don't know anyone in Tok". I called my mom instead, he walked outside to finish his grilling and his little dog started bitting my ankles. So, by the time I got on the phone with my mom I was still crying and I told her that I was broke down and there was a dog bitting me...... I think she was confused and concerned to say the least. (It reminds me of the last time I broke down on the Mitchell Express way in Fairbanks, I called my dad to come pick me up, I was looking out the window and witnessed a man poring something over his engine , all the sudden he caught on fire! I told my dad my car is broke down and there is a man on fire.... he was also very confused. Things like that always have aways have a way of happening to me!) Anyways...... The kids and I made it all the way back to Muk Luk Land before the truck took a big dump. It just stopped running and all of the radiator fluid gushed out from under it! I got out for a minute..... opened the hood and thought some one will see us over here and come pick us up. My theory proved to be wrong and no one came over there. I bundled up the kids and we started walking home. Someone passed us and then turned around! He picked us up on the side of the road. He seemed like a perfectly normal guy (That's what Ted Bundy's one survivor said about him too!) , the back window of his truck was broken out... he told Cody to be careful to not get cut on any broken glass. Whatever, beggars can't be choosers! I was just happy someone decided to have pity on us! I dropped us off at home without incident. When we got home Cody said, "that was scary, I hope our car never breaks down again." Emily on the other hand said, "It's OK mommy, at least you made a new friend today!" My mom ended up calling my sister and she and her husband came to my house and took me and the kids out for pizza. We survived our first breakdown on the Alaskan Highway!